Assembly workstation with tools holder
Assembly workstation with tools holder
N° 21006-01

Assembly workstation with tools holder

1 894 excl. tax
Shipped within 7-10 business days
Delivered fully-assembled and ready to use
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{ "id": "21006-01", "pricing": { "price": 189400, "currency": "eur", "discount": 0 }, "description": { "fr": { "name": "Poste de montage avec panneau porte outils" }, "en": { "name": "Assembly workstation with tools holder " } }, "technical": 3, "collection": "workbench", "usages": [ "workSurface", "informationPanel" ], "accessories": [], "3d": true, "material": "aluminium", "esd": false, "options": { "default": { "bigTube": false, "doubleBar": false, "load": "standard", "color": "grey", "connection": "fixed", "returnLevel": false, "platesLevels": 1, "railsTubesLevels": 0, "path": 1, "supportsByPath": 1, "lateralGuides": false }, "info": {} }, "configurator": { "width": { "default": 1910 }, "depth": { "default": 910 }, "height": { "default": 2000 }, "coefficientComplexity": 1.5 }, "updatedAt": 1712152617524, "index": 21006.01, "indexCategory": "1", "slug": "21006-01", "code": "21006-01", "catalog": "logistic", "category": "projects" }