Flow racks
TRILOGIQ's flow-rack range is the result of 30 years of experience. This product line offers a wide choice of configurations and ergonomics. Simple flow-racks incorporate elementary functions, variable picking solutions and empty return level systems. Their configurable counterparts can be modified in size, number of levels and equipment. The ranges of dynamic racks that can be modified into simple projects are based on our standard products and functionally modified by our teams to suit your needs. Finally, the customisable technical flow-racks are multifunctional products adapted to specific uses and often fitted with accessories. Made of steel or aluminium, our products are manufactured to high quality and durability standards.
Standard flow-racks
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Ranges of flow-racks from our "standard products" shop. A tried and tested design for simple products that cannot be modified but are available within 11 working days of receipt of order. Available in steel or aluminium.
Flow-racks configured online
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Some models suit you, but you may need to adapt their dimensions, equipment and number of levels to your needs. Our configuring system gives you access to size adaptations and our price calculator provides you with a real-time budget for your modifications.
Specific flow-racks derived from standard products
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More far-reaching changes to our standard flow-racks mean we have to switch to "simple project" mode. What does simple mean? Simple because taking the base closest to your needs and consulting our design experts to modify, add or remove the features you want is easier than starting from scratch. Adding an information panel, a work table, a storage level or any other system is very easy from an existing work base.
Technical flow-racks
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Highly technical flow-racks with more in-depth modifications require "project mode" with our customers for development. The integration of accessories, very specific designs and architectures for special uses all require a good understanding of uses and functions. Our technical centres are fully qualified to meet your needs.